Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Somebody loves Strawberries!

Need I say more?


Unknown said...

Did you know that strawberries are one of the things that kids can be highly allergic to and you are not supposed to give them to babies until they are over 1 year old? Just checking :)

Kayla said...

What? I didn't know that! I looked online at things you can give baby at 8-12 months and it had strawberries on it, and blueberries and lots of other stuff. And they have strawberry and banana baby food in the US... Oops. Well at least I know he's not allergic, he's had them a few times with no reaction...

Unknown said...

The baby food is different because it is processed...but you should be totally fine now that you have given it to him and he didn't have any reactions. Dr.'s just highly recommend not giving strawberries to kids under 1, blueberries are supposed to be fine though for some reason. I don't know, it's just what I have been told...several times...