Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Video Games...

I have been thinking a lot lately about a certain thing called video games. What I have to say I don’t expect anyone to agree with or think it is right, it is simply my opinion. 

What got me thinking about video games happened earlier today when I was feeding Gabriel his breakfast. I thought, ‘what if something happened to Josh and I and someone else was to raise and take care of Gabriel’. Josh and I have had this conversation before about who would we want to raise our children and I had always thought about what I would tell the people who were going to be raising my child/children. So this morning this thought crossed my mind again. It’s not something that I like to think about, it’s honestly extremely difficult, but I do think that every parent should have a will or write some sort of letter in regards to what they would want to happen to their children if the parents were to pass away. Josh and I still have yet to write this letter or make a will because honestly it is an extremely hard thing to do and to even think about.

So what would I put in a letter to the person(s) that were to raise my kids? I have come up with a few conclusions. The main thing that I would ask is that they would raise our children to know God. To teach the children how God works and all about who he is, to teach them about the Spirit and about worship, to teach them about having a relationship with God. That would be the one thing that I would want my children to learn. I would also put in the letter to please raise my children as if they were their own, to love them unconditionally, to discipline them and teach them about the world. I would also ask that they make sure to tell our children who their mother and father was, to not forget us and to make sure that our children know that we love them very much. Ok, I’m getting all misty eyed now, hence why we still have not actually written the letter.

Where does video games have to fit into all of this? Well it got me thinking this morning, I think I would put in my letter to please not let my children get addicted to video games. I know, I know, it sounds silly right? But I do feel very strongly about them, let me explain.

I won’t lie, I have a problem with video games. Most people who know me know this to be true. I will admit that there are some that are fun and can be great if you want to get together with your friends and it can be a fun game to play. I will also admit that I myself have gotten addicted to a video game or two and have wanted to play them, but honestly I think that fact alone feeds my disdain for them.

I strongly believe that video games can be an addiction. I know that many people do not, they simply think of it as a game and there is nothing addictive or wrong about it. Because I know many people feel that they are ok it is why I think I would feel the need to place such an odd topic in my letter. Just like any other addiction (drugs, alcohol, gambling, food ect) it is what consumes your mind the majority of the day. You day dream about it, you spend countless amounts of money on it, you talk about it to almost everyone you meet, it is all you can think about, you have a hard time focusing on other things that are important and you have a unexplainable desire to play constantly. The more you play, the more it gets programmed into your mind, the more it becomes you. 

I have known many people who, I believe, are addicted to video games. They talk about it constantly, they can ignore life as it is and lose themselves in the world of cars, wars, killing, mystical kingdoms, or trying to save the princess. Yes, it can be fun to get lost in another world, but when you get lost in another world, that is precisely what you are... lost. You could be doing so many other things, things that are productive, good, and thoughtful, but you’re not, you are lost in a fantasy world where nothing is real. 

Instead of playing video games you could be taking the thousands of dollars spent on video equipment and games and help a needy family or support a child, or many children for that matter, in a different country. If you didn’t feel like helping other people you could be spending the money on your family, or at the very least saving it for your children's or future children's college funds. You could take the time your spend playing the games and spend it with your family, spend it volunteering at a soup kitchen or go hang out with your friends, get to know what is bothering them lately, pray with them or just chill. Take all the brain energy it takes to play the games and learn something new, something that will actually improve your life or help you understand people better. 

I want my children to have the childhood memories of playing outside or discovering how the world works, I want them to play ball with friends and be involved in sports, or if not sports then dance or music, whatever they enjoy... I don’t want them to have memories of sitting in front the TV  trying to save the princess that doesn’t exist. 

Some of you reading this are probably thinking ‘why the heck did you marry Josh then, he likes video games, you could even say he is addicted!’ I will admit, my husband does not feel as strongly about video games as I do, but I can tell you that he is not addicted. He did grow up with them, he had a lot of fun playing the games too and I would say that at one point he was addicted.  He may used to have been addicted, but now the only time he plays is when he goes over to friends homes. It’s not that I ‘won’t’ let him or anything, I’m not going to tell my husband he can’t do something, I’ve even told him that since people have bought him games he should try to play them, but he just doesn’t, he would rather spend time with Gabriel and I or do something that we all like to do and I love that about him. I have even bought him a game before but we’ve played it maybe 10 times in two years. 

I have also seen first hand what being addicted to video games can do to a person. That person being my husband. He has played it so much that it seems to be programmed into his mind, he still dreams about it to this day even though he hasn’t played in months. He rarely gets a good night sleep, and myself for that matter, because he has dreams of ceilings falling on top of him, lasers trying to get him or someone trying to attack us. He can wake up in the middle of the night with his heart racing and is completely frantic about something, in which cases I need to calm him down and tell him everything is ok and he needs to climb back into bed. I have had water splashed in my face, him frantically trying to climb over me in the middle of the night and having a pillow thrown at me... if not him freaking out in his sleep he will usually, at the very least, talk in his sleep. Some people may argue that it doesn’t come from playing video games for 25 years, but where else do you experience those things so vividly that you dream about them? I know not everybody will experience what my husband does, but why would I want to take the chance of subjecting my children to that and there is a chance they will never get good sleep or have peaceful dreams. Heavens, I myself, if I play a video game for awhile before bed or really any time during the day it is usually what I dream about that night and I never get a good night sleep when that happens because I jerk awake from something trying to get me or me trying to get it. 

I am not saying that people who play video games are bad people or even what they are doing is per say bad. I am not saying that people who let their kids play video games are bad parents. I am simply saying this is how I feel about it and I do not want my kids to be, in my opinion, addicted to video games. I would hope that if something ever happened to Josh and I, whomever did raise our children would respect Josh and I’s wishes, whatever they may be. 

Sniffle Sniffle

Gabriel is changing so much!
This was him before we left America 3 months ago...
And this is him just a couple of days ago...
And this one because he is cute and he smiles so big that I don't think he can see anything!
And yes, Mommy let him play with the hot water bottle, tooth paste, the diaper changing pad, and one of her hair ties, oh and lets not forget the chapstick in the corner... bad Mommy!

Monday, June 29, 2009

Sippy Cup Help Please!!!

So.... if any of you have any advice on how to get Gabriel to like and/or drink from a sippy cup I would highly appreciate any and all advice! I've tried taking out the stoppers, tried a couple of different sippy cups, and I have tried filling the cup with things other then water, like organic milk, but no luck! He just doesn't like it! Plus he would much rather hold it and play with it then let Mommy get it anywhere near his mouth! Help please!


What is the best time to make a dentist appointment?

Answer: Tooth-Thirty! ah hahaha!

Ok, so dumb joke but it kind of fits in with my post =P And no, I did not make up the joke, I remembered it from a Laughy Taffy wrapper!

So, my baby likes to grow teeth apparently. He already has six and now he is already working on number 7! He's not even 10 months old! Well, he will be soon, in like 2 days... Anyway, Gabriel's teeth have been growing in two's so I wouldn't be surprised if number 8 soon makes it appearance. *Sigh* I'm not a big fan of teething phases and it makes me sad because it's just proof that he is growing up way to fast:( Plus, he's kind of crabby, poor guy!

Question for all mom's out there... are your babies teeth yellow? I brush Gabriel's teeth every morning and every night and I brush them good too, but they are yellow... is this normal?

Saturday, June 27, 2009

Streaker in the making!

So today after swimming I put Gabriel down for his nap in just a shirt and his diaper. When I went in to get Gabriel after his nap I found out that he figured out how to pull off his diaper strap! Unfortunately I didn't notice it until after I picked him up:) This was a disposable, I don't think he would be able to do it with our cloth ones, they have buttons and velcro, but none the less I still think we may have a streaker in the making! God help us all =D
At least he didn't poop and the diaper stayed on enough to catch any 'drizzle'!

Splish Splash!

The school that Josh works for finally, semi, filled up the pool here! They only filled it up part way because they don't have life guards this year but I think that they still might fill it up by the end of the month... at least I hope! Right now it's only filled up to a little over our knees, it does make it nice to sit in it though!

This was Gabriel's first time in the pool. He has been in his little kiddy pool before but never in a big open pool. He thought it was fantastic! First we changed him when we got down to the pool...

... then we set him free and he was off crawling, or should I say wiggling, about... headed straight for the pool though so we had to stop him shortly after we put him down!

This is our little stinker trying to crawl... well, stand at least, he gave up on crawling and has gone straight to trying to stand, sometimes he just lands back on his knees though!
We ordered him a floaty on the internet and it was totally worth the money, it was able to hold Gabriel's toys and it kept him shaded!

We took Gabe out at one point, just to see how he would like it. He thought it was pretty cool! We found out that in the shallowest parts he could actually stand and the water would just go up to his chin!

We got him a Thomas the Train blow up ball which he thinks is pretty great:)
Josh and my shoulders got a little toasted from being in the pool for an hour, we kinda forgot how hot it actually was outside when we were in the pool until we had to walk back up the mountainish hill to our apartment! And that was our day, splishin and splashin in the pool!

Friday, June 26, 2009

Just a normal day...

Today Josh got to go white water rafting with the school (they are actually paying him to go minus $10) and I could have gone as well but there was no one to watch Gabriel and I don't think he would have enjoyed it very much! So I stayed home to take care of the Boo! 

Gabriel and I decided to go into town by ourselves and head to the post office. I have been meaning to send out a couple of packages and some post cards and today just seemed like the perfect day to do so... and I was feeling rather guilty that these gifts have been sitting in my house for awhile! We got to the post office and once inside all the ladies were oohing and aahing over Gabriel as usual. It ended up taking way longer to send the packages then what I had originally planned. I don't speak Korean and the ladies at the post office did not speak any English so we were having a bear trying to understand each other. They didn't want me to send these plates and bowls that I had bought for my best friend Katie for her wedding but I finally talked them into it. It took forever to pack the stuff into the boxes and for some reason the lady behind the counter kept thinking that things that were not supposed to go in the packages were supposed too so she kept putting Gabriel's toys, blanket and my grocery bag in the boxes. I finally just put everything in the grocery bag that wasn't supposed to go and kept it on my shoulder so she would stop putting it in the boxes:) Good thing she didn't try to put Boo in the box =D

Gabriel was being a little stinker while we were there. I was wearing him in the Moby Wrap and honestly it was getting really hot, so I took him out and tried to hold him with one arm and write and package things with the other. The ladies in the office took full advantage of my difficulty and quickly volunteered to hold him. I, at last, agreed and passed him off to the workers. Gabe thought it was pretty cool to pretend to work at the post office. At one point he got scared and cried so I took him back but soon enough he was back in their arms playing. He ended up sitting on one of the ladies laps behind her desk gooing and gaaing at the customers as they came in. It was really cute and the lady who got to hold him the majority of the time was happy as a peach! He also got his picture taken many times because, well, that's just what they do here.

Gabriel and I then had to walk to the grocery store to get some sort of dish for a potluck pool party that we are going to on Sunday. The grocery store is not that far away from the post office but definitely far enough where you would rather not walk there with a 20 pound baby strapped to your chest in 90 degree heat... but none the less Gabriel and I made the venture! What dish did I decide on for the potluck? Well, nothing special unfortunately. I got canned pineapple slices. I know, it's kind of cheap, but I couldn't find anything else that was easy, it's not like we have a huge variety in our little town of Yongmun! Plus, if your going to invite me to a potluck I'm either going to make something really yummy that will probably take me hours or I will go cheap, I don't do too much in between... this time I chose to be cheap. 

Then we had to make the walk to the taxi station and hitch a ride home. I have to say that by the time we got home the entire area where the Moby Wrap was and where Gabriel had been sitting on my front was rather... um, lets say moist:) I was very hot! (Bow chicca wow wow) Not that kind of hot, sicko! Anyway, then Gabriel took a nap and I ate ice cream that I had gotten along the way. 

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

The Call

It started out as a feeling
Which then grew into a hope
Which then turned into a quiet thought
Which then turned into a quiet word

And then that word grew louder and louder
'Til it was a battle cry

I'll come back
When you call me
No need to say goodbye

Just because everything's changing
Doesn't mean it's never
Been this way before

All you can do is try to know
Who your friends are
As you head off to the war

Pick a star on the dark horizon
And follow the light

You'll come back
When it's over
No need to say good bye

You'll come back
When it's over
No need to say good bye

Now we're back to the beginning
It's just a feeling and no one knows yet
But just because they can't feel it too 
Doesn't mean that you have to forget

Let your memories grow stronger and stronger
'Til they're before your eyes

You'll come back
When they call you
No need to say good bye

You'll come back
When they call you
No need to say good bye

I added this song to my blog so you could hear it if you have never heard it before. It's been encouraging me today so I thought I would share it with you. 

Monday, June 22, 2009

Big Bootie, Big Bootie, Big Bootie

I had to laugh today when I snapped this picture of Gabe, he's got such a big bootie!

Gabriel loves to get up on his hands and knees, but instead of working on the crawling part once he gets up he finds it more fun to try to stand... he hasn't quite gotten the balance thing down though so he just falls over:) 

Best Birthday Present

So we were not able to go into Seoul on Saturday like we had planned to go shopping. It ended up raining all day long and we didn't want to risk it with Gabriel. We did end up going to another small town close by, Yangpyeong, to go to the grocery store because, since we weren't going to be able to make it into Seoul, Josh wanted to make me dinner. 

We made it to Yangpyeong, we had decided to take a Taxi there even though it was more expensive then the train or bus, we didn't want to wait around outside in the rain for the bus or train to come. First we went grocery shopping and then we went and ate lunch. Gabriel was getting really tired as it was past his bedtime so we hopped on a bus to come home. This is where Gabriel decided to give me my best birthday present! He fell asleep! hehe! See Gabriel is a 'big boy' now which means he is not a big fan of me holding him while he sleeps, he likes to be left alone. Because he is a 'big boy' I haven't been able to experience this for a couple of months now or if I have it only lasts like two minutes:( Soooo on the way home from Yangpyeong, Gabriel fell asleep in his sling and I got to sit with him like that for about 20 minutes! He even stayed asleep while we switched from the bus to a cab! When we got to English Village though he decided to wake up when I got out of the cab and I was kind of sad about it. We did end up getting a few pictures of him in the Moby Wrap looking tired, though I think he was trying to pretend that he really wasn't:) Excuse the hair by the way, it was raining and yeah, it doesn't look super hot:)

train station pics

Whenever we have to travel anywhere we must take either a taxi, bus, or train. It usually depends on which is fastest or cheapest in regards to which mode of transportation we choose. We do always have to take a taxi into town, unless we want to walk but it is so hot here that I'm not going to walk into town in the summer if I don't have to, once we get into town though we have more options in regards to travel. When we went into Seoul this past weekend we decided to take the train. It is surprisingly cheaper then the bus and it is of course faster too. We got there before everybody else did so we got the whole platform to ourselves for a few minutes. Our train station is currently under construction so to get to our platform you have to walk over the train tracks and some wooden planks that they laid on the dirt to make it a bit 'smoother' and then when you get to the platform the only cover there to shade you from rain or sun is kind of like a pop up tent. 

Gabriel thought that Josh's hat was especially interesting, he tried to grab it the entire day.

Gabriel thought that it would be fun to walk around the platform and get his feet all dirty so we decided to let him

Mommy and Gabe

Part of our town...

... and one of the MANY mountains around Yongmun

And then we got on the train!

Mr. Mohawk

Lately I've been thinking that it would be cute to cut Gabriel's hair and give him a mohawk... but I don't think I will be able to bring myself to do it,even though it would be cute! I, instead, took some hair gel and styled his hair into one. The mohawk did not last very long as Gabriel kept rubbing his head up again the couch, but we had some fun taking pictures while it lasted! 

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Dear Daddy

Dear Daddy,

I am having Mommy write this because my fingers are still too small and chubby to push these HUGE compute keys. Someday I will be big and strong like you and can do it myself, at least that is what Mommy keeps telling me and I really hope that she is right, I really do want to be like you!

Even though I’m just a little guy, I love you SOOOO much! See, you just think that I’m little and that I don’t understand stuff like that yet... but your wrong Daddy, I know what the ‘L’ word is and I LOVE MY DADDY! I miss you so much when you go to work everyday. I will always cuddle with you in the morning, I know Mommy is sometimes jealous that you get all my cuddles but I think she understands, I just want to spend time with you. I know sometimes I cry for Mommy in the morning and you have to take me to her... she looks kind of funny when she just wakes up doesn’t she? Oh No!!!Don’t tell her I said that, she will tickle me! It will just be our secret! See, I have to cry for her sometimes, my tummy is just soooo hungry and I need her to fill me up so I can go spend time with you and we can have

our man time, no Mommy allowed! I do spend all day with her after all and she makes me eat broccoli and squash... eww! I know you feel for me because you don’t like them either! You should take all the yucky veggie’s she tries to make us eat and hide them! I have a good place in my crib where I don’t think she will find them!

I know you have to spend all day at work to give me toys and so Mommy can eat to make more yummy milk for me, but I do miss you when you are gone. If I could have it my way you would be home with me all day playing on the floor with me and teaching me all the animals on that book you made for me. By the way, sorry Daddy about tearing that book apart, my fingers are just too chubby and I have a hard time holding on to things like you do (and I’m discovering my muscles so I can be big and strong like you, but I didn’t mean to wreck it, I’m sorry). I get so excited when you come home for lunch and for the night. Sometimes you don’t see it, but I always smile and laugh when I hear you come home, I just can’t wait to see you and play with you! Plus, nobody gives bear hugs like you do and you let me play with your cool name tag even though I drool on it!

I want to be just like you when I grow up Daddy. I want to play guitar and sing like you do. I want to be big and strong and be able to throw Mommy down and tickle her when she tries to feed me broccoli! I want to wear those big skater shoes just like you and wear white t-shirts everyday, even if Mommy thinks they are silly I don’t care, I want to be just like you! Maybe when I get older and can understand more you can teach me how to fix those big car engines you were trying to explain to Mommy the other day, and maybe you can teach me how to ride a bike and throw a ball! Can you Daddy? I keep dreaming about it, every night! I know you will teach me everything! I can’t wait! I’m working on this whole crawling thing and standing on my own, I know pretty soon I will be able to run around with you, just like you always talk about!

Daddy, I’m getting so tired now. I keep trying to wake up early in the morning so I can be just like you and only get 8 hours of sleep... but I can’t help it, my eyes hurt and I think Mommy is getting frustrated because I’m getting cranky from not enough sleep, how do you do it Dad?I guess you will just have to teach me... so much to learn! I will try again tomorrow Dad, then I will get to spend even more time with you and cuddle before Mommy gets up. She does look super scary when she gets up after all... you should tell her to just cut her hair short like us men, then she won’t look like something that crawled out of the kitchen cupboard! Get down at my level... you will see what I’m talking about, it’s kind of scary! I will see you in the morning! It is my favorite part of the day and I can’t wait!

Happy Fathers Day Daddy! I love you SOOOOOOOO much!

Your Stinker,


P.S. On the next page is a picture I had Mommy take, just you and me! I love you!

Thursday, June 18, 2009


Yay I get to go shopping this weekend! Woot Woot! I don't like shopping a ton when I'm in the states. I like going garage sale shopping or if I go to Maurices with the girls and if I actually have money to spend on the things that I like, but other then that I'm not a huge fan. BUT when I go shopping in other countries I love it! They just have a lot of different stuff and you get a whole different experience and there is a lot more culture involved! Plus, I get to buy almost whatever I want tomorrow! hehehe! See on Monday it's my birthday, but not just any birthday, nope this one is special. Why may you ask? It's my golden birthday! Yay for me! Ok, I know most people don't make a big deal about it but I do! To bad Gabriel's golden birthday is going to be when he is two... he won't even remember it:(

Anyway, so because Josh can never decide what to get for me and I usually end up getting funky plastic pot looking things and because this is my golden birthday after all, he said that I get to go shopping and get cute clothes and whatever... within means of course:) Ha, we're definitely not that rich of course:) 

My one fear though is that it is going to rain and my shopping isn't going to happen:( The weather thing that I read said that there was a chance for scattered thunderstorms... soooo hopefully they scatter away from Seoul, I want to go shopping gosh darn it! Aren't I selfish;) hehe!

Shopping here I come!

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Horrible Stomach Ache

Did you know that sometimes your body won't make enough acid in your stomach? I didn't! I knew that it can produce too much acid and then you get things like heartburn or ulcers, but I didn't know that sometimes it won't make enough. 

Well last night I had the unfortunate experience of learning this fact. I had eaten dinner (which was so yummy by the way) and I wasn't feeling super great before hand anyway, but about an hour after I ate I started to get an awful stomach ache. The pain kept getting worse and worse and before I knew it was starting to crawl up in a ball on the floor. I took some Pepto-Bismal and it didn't work (and it always works for me) so I went and got some Tums thinking they might help... but they didn't! Taking these two medicines made it so much worse because they were antacids so they were taking even more acid out of my tummy. I started to sweat and was breathing really hard... I can't really describe the pain, I just know that it HURT something awful! I can kind of relate the pain to labor... but then again I had back labor and this was in my stomach and I have to say labor was still worse:) Anyway, I can usually handle a bit of pain but it wasn't going away and I was seriously going to tell Josh we had to go to the hospital. Call me a wuss but you have no idea how bad it hurt! 

Josh started to ask me questions and somehow knew what was going on. So he ran and got me some milk... GROSS! Our milk here is so nasty! I can handle it on things like cereal but it is honestly the most disgusting thing ever! You know how they say if you feed your cows onion the milk will taste like onion? Well the same must go for cabbage because the milk tastes exactly like milky cabbage! Yes, disgusting! Anyway, that made me feel a little bit better as apparently milk has acid in it. And then, yes, I'm sorry TMI warning, I threw up. And then I felt great! 

I asked Josh where he learned that from and he said that he was watching TV one time and they were talking about it, apparently vinegar is supposed to work way better then milk but we didn't have any. So, in the end I was actually happy that my husband watches TV sometimes:)

Monday, June 15, 2009

Half Naked Cuddle

I walked into the living room the other day after Josh had gotten done changing Gabriel and I found that Gabriel, who was not buttoned up all the way, had snuggled up to one of his favorite toys...

I bought it before we left America because I thought he would really like it and it turns out that it was definitely worth it! Other pictures of Gabriel and his toy...

Saturday, June 13, 2009

Bomb Shelter

Our school seems to have this habit of not telling us useful information. Most of the time it's small stuff but sometimes it's rather big things. For instance they didn't tell us when we got hired here that we may have to work weekends, they will let you go about paying for things that are actually free for teachers, you never know when new teachers are coming and a lot of times if shopping is cancelled on Monday nights (they provide a vehicle for us to go) we don't know until 5 minutes before we were actually supposed to leave. 

The most recent thing that we found out about that could be very useful information is the bomb shelter. See, if you haven't been watching the news you may not know but North Korea, South Korea's arch enemy if you will, has been 'flexing their nuclear muscle', according to the CNN news guys, for the past few weeks. They were starting to stir the pot a little bit before we actually left America but we didn't think too much about it. Quite a few people here in South Korea are getting more nervous that they will actually attack South Korea and some people are actually planning ahead. Heck there have even been a few people in the states asking us when we are going to leave... to answer, not yet:)

So last night we went over to a friends house for dinner and the topic of North Korea came up and what the plans were if North Korea actually decided to attack... what would we do? I don't know what we would do honestly. I have been thinking about it but haven't really made any plans. My thought is... run like hell! haha! =D I have looked on line and the US Embassy has these stations that you are supposed to go to if they are evacuating Americans and depending on what section you live in depends on what station you go to... problem is I don't know what section we live in:) Other then that, well I was thinking of packing our backpack with necessity's like diapers and a change of clothes for Gabriel, but honestly I'm not too worried yet so I haven't done too much. 

So in the conversation at our friends apartment I said that I wasn't sure what I would do if they actually decided to bomb the place... technically I don't know why they would waste a bomb on English Village... but whatever, I'm sure their bombs are big enough that it wouldn't have to be directly focused on English Village and it would still hit us. I said that I would probably grab Gabriel and run to that bathroom since it's the room that is most in the middle of our apartment. I then find out that English Village has neglected to tell us that we actually have a bomb shelter in each apartment building. So really, if North Korea had actually decided to waste a bomb on English Village yesterday morning, Gabriel and I would have been sitting on the bathroom floor when, virtually, right outside our door there is a bomb shelter... we just never knew it was a bomb shelter... so Gabriel and I would have probably died and our neighbors would be safe and sound in the hatch... sigh... gotta love this school.

So our neighbor lady and I were talking about how we should possibly check it out and see if it was clean and possibly start to think about putting just a little bit of food and water down there... you know, just in case. Soo.... this morning, after talking with Josh's family, we went outside and peaked inside the bomb shelter.

It's not exactly what either of us had thought it would be and Josh doesn't think it would keep us very safe if we actually were being bombed. At least it would be safer then the bathroom:) It's underneath the stair case that leads to the upstairs apartments...
The cover 'hiding' it is really just sitting on top of the hole but apparently it's pretty heavy... which I don't know how I would lift it if I were here by myself but I'm sure adrenaline would kick in... I am buff... umm... on the inside that is:)
The ladder going down into the shelter starts like 3 feet from the top of the hole... I don't even know how fast I could get down by myself considering the first step if forever down in the hole, much less trying to hold a baby... 
Anyway, then down in the hole is just, well, that, a hole. There is about a foot of concrete between you and day light and then all the walls are all concrete surrounding you, so just one big hole...
At least they have a bomb shelter... EVEN if they don't tell us about it! ha! None the less, hopefully we never have to use it!!!

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Did anybody ever tell you?

So has anybody ever told you how hard it is to take pictures of a baby? No? Well I will. Ha! Don't you love how I just assume your answer:) I'm just so nice, I was helping you out=P hehe!

Ahem...Anywho...It is VERY hard to photograph a baby! They always move! Of course they do, they are babies! But they always seem to move when you have the perfect shot and then you loose it! If you have a little worm baby like mine and you try to get down to eye level to take a picture, well... this is what you get=)
Gabriel will worm his way towards me (he's getting pretty fast at it so it really only takes two seconds to get to me) and try to grab the camera or camera strap...
How fun can a camera strap be? lol!
Little Wormy Stinker!