Sunday, May 31, 2009


We finally got a high chair for Gabriel!!! I no longer have to hold him while feeding him or use my invention of my boppy pillow on top of another normal pillow. I no longer have to keep adjusting him in said invention or worry about him rolling over and getting the food on his face smeared on the pillows! Ah... sweet bliss of having a high chair! AND... it's really cute:)

I found it online. It has a froggy face back and frog legs!
And of course, here is Gabriel trying it out eating a cracker!
Yay for high chairs!

Friday, May 29, 2009

And the Winner is.....

Do you like my new layout? I thought it was cute =D Anywho... on to business!!

Time to announce the winner to the mini contest for the place mats! The winner is..... well, don't you want to know the answers first? Ok, I'll tell you the answers;)

Question #1:
What is Gabriel's favorite meal of the day?
A. Breakfast Baby!

Gabriel loves breakfast so much that some mornings even after I nurse him he will continue to fuss until he gets his breakfast! 

Question #2:
Gabriel got his first tooth at what age?
B. 4 months

Yep, 4 months! Early bloomer! And it was right at Christmas time too!

Question # 3:
What toy is Gabriel's favorite?
D. Ladybug Book

At the hospital they gave us this chubby lady bug book and it ended up being Gabriel's favorite toy and still is... to bad it's falling apart!!! 

Question #4:
Gabriel's favorite Fruit is...
B. Strawberries

We all saw those pictures!

Question #5:
Gabriel's favorite Vegetable is...
C. Sweet Potato

Too bad I can't find American sweet potato here because the ones here are white and don't taste anything like the orange ones we have in the States!

Question #6:
What time was Gabriel born at?
A. 7:19PM

19:19 was how they said it to me when he came out, it's easier to remember that way!

Question #7
How many teeth does Gabriel have?
C. Stompin' Six

I'm rather glad that he gets more then one at a time, I've really only had to deal with him teething 3 times! 

Question #8:
How long was I in Labor with Gabriel?
B. 16 hours

16 not so fun hours...

Question #9:
What does Gabriel do when he really wants something?
C. Puts his arms out has makes hissing noises

He also does this if he is very engrossed in the toy he is playing with!

Question #10:
What does Gabriel do when Mama says "No" when he is about to touch something?
B. Whip his hand back like he had just touched fire

I am very proud of Gabriel, he learned "No" very fast. Every once in awhile he will try and touch it again and when he does that it usually continues until he gets his 'spanking' but after that he usually doesn't touch whatever he wasn't supposed to again! Now whenever he goes by this fire exstinguisher in the hall way (I can't move it or I would) he just looks at it for a long time and then slowly goes past it, same goes for the garbage (we don't have a can) and the cord for the fridge we can't hide! 

Question #11:
Which toes does Gabriel have a birth mark on?
D. Middle Right Toe

People keep asking me what happened to his toe... it's kind of hard to explain birth mark to people who don't speak very good English!

Question # 12:
Gabriel hates Tofu...
A. True

The one time we gave it to him he actually ate it but then threw everything up. 

Question #13:
It took Gabriel 3 weeks to adjust to South Korean time...
B. False

Nope, it took 2 weeks.

Question #14:
The longest streak that Gabriel has been awake (no sleep) for was 14 hours...
A. True

14 miserable hours to be honest. I am so glad he is more on a schedule now... the good ol' days when he would be up for hours on end and not go to bed until 1:00AM... 

Question #15:
The first time Gabriel saw an African American person he laughed...
B. False

Actually he cried! LOL! It was really cute! We were moving from our apartment and Gabriel was in his Jumperoo. Well some people came by to look at the apartment and one of them happened to be an African American woman. She thought Gabriel was really cute so went up to him to say hello... he immediately started to scream and wouldn't stop until I went to go get him, then he just hid his face in my shoulder until they left. I felt kind of bad but I thought it was cute!

So, now you know all the answers... how did you do? 

Ok, ok... the winner is.... 
Mom(Manuela)!!!! She got 10/15 right! Tia, Kristy and whoever the Anonymous person who did not put their name in the comment box (ahem) got 9/15 right and Heidi got 8/15! So Congrats Mom, I hope you like the place mats! I will send them to you as soon as I can!

Thursday, May 28, 2009

No Sense of Style

My husband has no sense of style, seriously he doesn't. Before I met him, and even while we were dating, his choice outfit was a white undershirt and cargo pants. I remember the first time I met Josh he was wearing a white shirt and cargo pants along with this brown dress jacket. I thought that he looked really nice... until I realized that he wore the EXACT same thing every Sunday! He even wore the same outfit to our first date! I started to think he didn't own any other clothes and that is why he wore the same thing every day. But on the contrary, it ended up being that Josh owned way more clothes then I ever did, it was just all cargo pants and white t-shirts. 

After I married Josh I found out how he picked out his outfit... he picks the top shirt on the pile and the top pair of pants. Me getting rather tired of white t-shirts and cargo pants started putting other things then white t-shirts and cargo pants on the top of the pile so he would grab those instead. Though my sneakiness did end up getting him to wear different things I then found out something else about my husbands lack of style. If the top pair of pants and the top shirt did not match, it did not matter, it was on the top and that was all that mattered and that was what he was going to wear. Me, being a woman, can't really understand how he can not think about things matching or care for that matter, but that is my husband. He also does not care if his pants are too short or if his white socks show between his black shoes and black pants. 

Now, where am I going? Glad you asked:) Josh also does the same thing with Gabriel's clothes. When I dress Gabriel I don't really even think about it, I pick out things that match... so when I walked out of the bedroom this morning and found Gabriel with a little baby dress summer shirt on, sweat shorts and bright blue striped socks on, well I had to smile... 
I was very thankful though that he dressed Gabe... I just took off the socks, it's too hot for them anyway:)

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Is there a prize for being embarrassing?

If there were a prize for the person who did the most dumb, stupidest, embarrassing things I think I would win! For instance getting stuck in fancy hotel doors because you can't open up your eyes and see the normal door you should go through, getting sprayed with toilet water, laughing at things you shouldn't, saying things at the wrong time, melting your husbands water bottle, loosing your car keys for 2 hours when they are really in your purse... should I keep going?

Today to add to the list... you know how they were supposed to come change my water filter today? Well I must have been the first apartment they went to because they arrived very early. I did get the chance to change and brush my teeth but that was about it. My house was a mess! I have been sick for the past month and the last couple of days it has been miserable and I haven't had any energy. So there were quite a few dishes in the kitchen and my laundry was still hanging up from the day before and we haven't taken out the garbage in awhile... lets just say I'm a little embarrassed at my home. Lets not forget I had a stack of dirty Kleenex's on my couch because I've been blowing my nose like every two seconds! Anyway, gross I know. 

So the guys are in my kitchen for about 30 minutes and I wasn't really paying attention too much, I was too tired from not getting any sleep. So after they leave I walk into my kitchen... what do I see? My bra and undies hanging from the laundry line in the kitchen! D'oh! Lovely! To make it worse it was right in front of the water filter where they were working! See I don't hang up my undies, bra's and usually socks on my clothes rack because it goes outside and I don't want everybody looking at my 'goodies' so I always hang them in the kitchen... well so much for people not seeing! It wouldn't even have been so bad if they were cute undies and bra... but no, it had to be one of my nursing bra's (we all know how lovely those are) and some not super cute undies. And it wouldn't have been so bad if it had just been maintenance people, but no, it had to be the vice president with another worker and our vice president happens to be very strict SDA Christian... why oh why am I such a nerd! 

So mad!

Josh came home today and told me some very unfortunate news. No, not unfortunate, how about down right disgusting news. Is there a word worse then disgusting? If there is, that was the news I got today. 

In one of Josh's meetings today they told everybody that someone was going to come by and change our water filter tomorrow. At the same time they told everybody that if you do not use your water filter for 10 days straight a lot of bacteria can build up in it... gross! I have no idea how long this apartment was empty before we moved in therefore I'm sure that my water filter has a lot of bacteria in it. GROSS! Then they go on to say that in the summer on the hot humid days mold, yes MOLD, M-O-L-D, can grow in the filter. EEWWWW!!! So Josh went and got a Q Tip and stuck it in the faucet of our water filter and low and behold MOLD!!!! I am disgusted! Beyond words am I grossed out! 

No wonder I've had a cold for over the last month and can't get rid of it! No wonder when I leave for the weekend I start to feel better and then come back only for my cold to get worse! No wonder Gabriel is getting a rash from his wipes since I make my own wipe solution and have to use water! No wonder Josh's asthma is worse!  No wonder I feel like crap! I'm pissed! Now I'm going to go boil water from the sink so I have something to drink since all the vending machines around the school are out of water and my filter has MOLD in it!!! The Korean water,at least in our area, we're told, has bacteria in it too hence the boiling. I am so mad right now.... err!!!!!

You would think that if this country/school is so desperate for teachers and will take anybody that the school would do a little more for you in terms of health and not knowingly let you drink moldy water! I usually wouldn't put this in my blog but... WTF? I mean, I've given Gabe tiny bits of this water since it's so hot here I don't want him to get dehydrated.... this is my baby I'm talking about and they let me give him moldy water... MOLDY!!! Josh and I have asthma for crying out loud and mold is like the devil for asthmatic people... but yet we've been drinking it all along! WTF! Aaarg!!!! It's a good thing I wasn't in that meeting... I probably would have said a few things:) 

Monday, May 25, 2009


So I found these fabulous place mats and chopsticks the other day, six place mats and six sets of chopsticks...
after buying one for myself I thought "what a great gift this would make". Though these place mats make a great gift I could not decide who to give them to! Sooo.... I thought how fun would it be to have a mini contest! 

Whomever gets the most answers correct from the questionnaire below gets these place mats and chopsticks! 
If two or more people get all of them correct the person who responded first with all the right answers will win! Who ever wins I will send your prize to you all the way from Korea!

Anybody can participate! To play just click on "X Comments" or "Post a Comment" below this post and another window should pop up where you can type in your answers. Please put the number of the question and then your answer so I know exactly what you are answering to. If you do not have a blogger account you can still post a comment, just either click Anonymous and then in the comment place your name so I know who you are or just below the Anonymous tab there is a Name/URL tab where you can type your name in and then you do not have to place it in the comment! Good Luck!!!!

P.S. I will pick the winner on Friday night (my time, very early Friday morning US time) so you have until then if you want to play!

Question #1:
What is Gabriel's favorite meal of the day?
A. Breakfast Baby!
B. Munchin for Lunchin!
C. Dinner is Delicious!
D. Midnight Munichies!

Question #2:
Gabriel got his first tooth at what age?
A. 3 months
B. 4 months
C. 5 months
D. 6 months

Question # 3:
What toy is Gabriel's favorite?
A. Mommy's Chapstick
B. Crab Rattle
C. Grover
D. Ladybug Book

Question #4:
Gabriel's favorite Fruit is...
A. Peaches
B. Strawberries
C. Apples
D. Mixed Fruit

Question #5:
Gabriel's favorite Vegetable is...
A. Peas
B. Carrots
C. Sweet Potato
D. Squash

Question #6:
What time was Gabriel born at?
A. 7:19PM
B. 7:43PM
C. 7:11 PM
D 7:30PM on the dot

Question #7
How many teeth does Gabriel have?
A. Fabulous Four
B. Fantastic Five
C. Stompin' Six
D. Lucky Seven

Question #8:
How long was I in Labor with Gabriel?
A. 20 hours
B. 16 hours
C. 12 hours
D. 19 hours

Question #9:
What does Gabriel do when he really wants something?
A. Sucks in his upper lip and looks at whatever he wants very intently
B. Makes his way to it by scooting and if he still can't get it then fusses
C. Puts his arms out has makes hissing noises
D. Shakes his head back and forth and growls

Question #10:
What does Gabriel do when Mama says "No" when he is about to touch something?
A. Stick out his bottom lip for a second and goes on to play
B. Whip his hand back like he had just touched fire
C. Try to touch whatever it is again
D. Roll over and cry

Question #11:
Which toes does Gabriel have a birth mark on?
A. Big Right Toe
B. Pinkie Left Toe
C. Second Left Toe
D. Middle Right Toe

Question # 12:
Gabriel hates Tofu...
A. True
B. False

Question #13:
It took Gabriel 3 weeks to adjust to South Korean time...
A. True
B. False

Question #14:
The longest streak that Gabriel has been awake (no sleep) for was 14 hours...
A. True
B. False

Question #15:
The first time Gabriel saw an African American person he laughed...
A. True
B. False

Sunday, May 24, 2009


So I just talked to my mom this morning and she wanted to see a picture of my ever so fabulous purse and dress that I bought. The black purse on the left is the one that I went back for, the picture doesn't do it quite justice though. The blue purse I found for really cheap and I just love it too! On the right is my new dress! I know, it looks tiny but it's actually a one size fits all dress and the top stretches to whatever size you need!

Weekend in Seoul

Josh and I stayed in Seoul this weekend to celebrate our 2nd wedding anniversary! We left on Friday night after Josh got off of work and took the train into Seoul. We arrived in Seoul right at rush hour and we decided to take a taxi to our hotel instead of the subway since we had luggage. It didn't take as long as the cab driver said, he told us it would take over an hour with traffic but apparently it must not have been that bad because it took maybe a little more then 30 minutes! 

When we arrived at the hotel we felt very out of place. Have you ever walked into a hotel and felt... say dumb or embarrassed? I have only had this experience twice in my life. Both times Josh and I find a great deal on a hotel and we walk in wearing our normal everyday clothes and it ends up being a 5 class, rich peoples hotel! When we walked into our hotel in Seoul there were people standing around in suits and fancy dresses. There were bell men in suits, marble floors and walls... everything was very rich and I felt like a nerd in my normal everyday clothes. Not to mention, I also felt like an idiot because they had one of those swirly doors that you have to move with because they spin around and I was trying to make it through pushing a stroller and got stuck! We later found out that there were normal doors on each side of the swirly door... haha oops!

Friday night was rather uneventful. We had gotten there a little late and it was past Gabriel's bed time so I stayed in the room with Gabriel while Josh went to get some sandwiches for dinner. Talking about the room, it was fantastic! Oh my... I have never been in a hotel so nice! It had an upstairs in it, even though there wasn't really anything on the top part, a full equipped kitchen with everything you would need, you could separate the bedroom and the living room with sliding doors and it had a pretty fun view of the streets! It was awesome! Anyway, back to Friday night. I made a bed for Gabriel on the floor and put Gabriel down to sleep. About and hour after Josh and I went to bed Gabriel decided to wake up which was the beginning to a very long night! He did not want to sleep on the floor, every time we put him in his bed he would cry, so he slept between Josh and I in our bed. We are not used to sleeping with a baby between us and Gabriel was not used to it either so we all kept waking up! Every time Gabriel was slightly awake he got all excited that he was next to Mommy and wanted to nurse and every time Josh or I had to roll over or move we woke up so that we didn't do anything to wake up Gabriel! It was not a very fun night! We got smarter the next night though and requested a crib! In the morning we went to the hotels complimentary breakfast. We again felt like idiots as we were still very tired and I'm sure we didn't look very great and everybody else was in suits or at least fancy casual clothes! Afterwards Gabriel went down for a nap which was 3 hours! I wasn't surprised considering our night of sleep but we eventually had to wake him up, otherwise I have no idea how long he would have actually slept for. 

I had a fun experience in the bathroom though. Our hotel bathroom toilet was very fancy and had a lot of cool buttons. Well, being nosy like I am, I thought I would try them. I found out that you actually had to be sitting on the toilet for any of the buttons to work. So, one time I was going to the potty and thought "hey, I wonder what this button does" so I pressed it. Immediately after I pushed the button I heard buzzing and I immediately had second thoughts so I jumped up thinking that the pressure sensor would turn off and whatever was about to happen would not happen. Soooo not the case! I happened to press the button that makes this little thing come out and is meant to squirt water at your booty to clean it. Though I can say that I am very glad I was not sitting there to experience this "cleansing", I was not very happy that the water came shooting straight up getting all over the bathroom and myself! The water literally was spraying all over the walls and I was screaming in the bathroom trying to stop it, my husband was sitting in the living room laughing after he heard my screams because he figured out what had probably happened. So yes, on my anniversary weekend I got sprayed with toilet water... lovely!

We all made our way out to go shopping. We took the subway this time instead of a taxi which was a lot cheaper and faster but very cramped! In the first subway car that we were in we were shoulder to shoulder with people and it was hot and miserable! All the other ones after that weren't so bad, which we were very thankful for! We went to a little market called Itaewon (if you recall this is the place we meant to go to when we lost Josh's wallet) and had a lot of fun looking at all the things! I found cutest dress there which I was very excited about! 
After Itaewon we made our way to Insadong (the place we ended up going to last time when we did lose Josh's wallet). Josh let me get the really fabulous purse that I wanted to get on our previous trip and I got it for a cheaper price then previously thought and she gave me this really cute free tassel that you can hook on any bag to give it a little flare:) As we were shopping there we saw some people drawing those funny cartoon like pictures of whoever wanted to have it done, so we decided to get Gabriel's picture done. Gabriel was very tired at that point so he just kind of sat there. It was really cute because if the artist wanted him to look sideways Gabriel would look straight and if the artist wanted to look at his face straight on Gabriel would turn his face sideways and he would never smile for the guy! He was being stubborn:) Gabriel also became a celebrity in the 30 minutes that we were sitting there. See Korean people love Gabriel! Everybody always wants to stop us so they can talk to him and touch his chubby cheeks! Well since we were just sitting there in the open street it was kind of like a free show for everybody and at any given time we probably had anywhere from 30-50 people sitting there watching us and the artist draw his picture. Every time Gabriel would smile you would hear the crowd go "awww" and if the artist was trying to get Gabriel to look one way and he was not cooperating you would get everybody laughing. Then when we were done with the picture and I stood up with Gabriel we got swarmed by all the Koreans that had been watching us so they could shake Gabriel's little hands and touch his chubby cheeks!
We finally made our way home after walking around all day. See I figured out why all Korean people are skinny... at least if they live in Seoul. You walk a lot to get places which isn't so bad but if you take the subway (which everybody does) you seriously can walk up and down 7 flights of stairs to get on just one subway, which you then have to repeat every time you switch subway lines or surface to go shopping... I never knew that the subway was that far underground before! It really wouldn't have been so bad but we had a stroller which we had to fold up and carry up and down all those steps and also carry Gabriel who liked to squirm and flop around! Though what I still don't understand is how all the girls do it in 4 inch heals... ouch! I can't even wear heals for an hour without my feet hurting!

On Sunday we relaxed in our hotel room and then checked out of the hotel at noon and made out way back to the train station so we could go home. Now on Tuesday is our actual anniversary and I can't believe that we have been married two years already! They have been wonderful and crazy and I'm excited to see what this next year will bring! 

Wednesday, May 20, 2009


Last night Josh came home and said that he needed to wash his water bottle because it was starting to smell and taste funny (gross, I know). So he placed his water bottle on the counter so I could wash it. I was busy making dinner so I didn't get to it right away and Josh went to feed Gabriel some sweet potato and peaches. During dinner I had a few seconds while I was waiting for the rice to cook so I figured I would wash the bottle. Our hot water doesn't come in super fast, sometimes you have to wait 4 min or so for it to get warm, so I thought I would make some since the only way to get out the smell was with hot water and soap. 

They have these nifty teapot heaters here that can boil water in about 60 seconds so I thought I would save some time (and water) if I just heated it up that way. So after the water was nice and hot I put some soap in the water bottle and poured in the hot water... now last week Josh and I talked about boiling Gabriel's new sippy cup that we got him as it instructed to sanitize it and I had asked Josh "won't it melt the plastic?" and he had said "no, you need it a lot hotter to melt that plastic" so I didn't think twice about pouring boiling water in Josh's water bottle. Well needless to say, this was, ah... well a different kind of plastic....

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Mr. Worm and Mr. Walker

Along with being able to scoot around, in the cupboard no less that he can't figure out how to get out of once he has gotten in...

Gabriel has also recently discovered that he can walk! Well, walk with help that is=D I used to hold his fingers and put his feet on top of mine and walk around with him. But the other day I was holding Gabriel up and we bribed him over by holding up his favorite toy, the sunscreen bottle, yes, my baby loves odd toys! Then low and behold those little legs started moving and he made it to his beloved toy! We took him out for a little walk today, he likes to walk in circles because one legs takes a huge step and when the other leg follows he likes to cross it in front of the other one. Usually this crossing the legs results in him stepping on his other foots sock or pants therefore resulting in not being able to move that leg and needs help=P Today we ended up taking off the socks and since it was a short walk we didn't bother with shoes! 
Gabriel found the grass especially interesting during the walk so we let him sit and play for awhile!

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Mr. Worm

Though Gabriel cannot crawl quite yet he is very good at getting around. We used to be able to leave Gabriel on his play mat, go to the bathroom and come back and he would still be on the play mat. That is not the case anymore. Now if you leave him in the living room and go to the bathroom or wherever, he will come and find you. You just have to wait about a minute until you see him coming for you like a little worm... knees up and push... take arms out from under you, reach forward, knees up and push... he seriously looks like a worm. 

What makes his worm movement even more cute is the look on his face. 
Gabriel gets so concentrated that he sucks in his upper lip until he gets where he's going, many times the sucking in the lip is also accompanied by the tongue sticking out.  
So that is my little bug, Mr. Worm!

Rare Moment

Ever since Gabriel has learned that he can scoot around 
he is not a big cuddle bug anymore. 
For the last couple of days though, Gabriel hasn't been feeling well 
so Josh and I both got rare moments of cuddling this week. 

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Josh's long day

So we got our wallet back! Actually this update is a little over due because we got it back 3 days ago=P Josh had a hard time getting it back though. He left for Seoul at about 11AM, it only takes an hour to get there and I thought that he would maybe be there for an hour, two at most, then with the hour train ride back I figured he would be home between 2-3PM. Unfortunately that was not the case! He didn't get home until close to 7PM!!! I was very worried all day long! What took him so long may you ask? Well...

First when Josh took his taxi into Yongmun it took a little bit longer to get into town then normal and when he got to the train station the train he was supposed to get on was pulling up. So Josh had to run to catch the train. Ok, not so bad, at least he was able to get on it. Then when he gets into Seoul he takes the subways that he was told to take to get to the police station and then hops in a taxi. According to the guy at the school the taxi should not have taken very long but this taxi driver didn't seem to know where he was going and it took 30 minutes before they arrived. At the police station Josh tries to tell them that he is there to pick up his wallet. After going back and forth with them for quite some time they told him that they sent it to another police station across town so they could send it back to Josh at the school. Josh was about out of money at this point because he was only able to borrow 30,000 won to get to Seoul and take the taxi's ect. So the police station was nice enough to call a taxi for him to take him to the next police station.

On the way to the next police station Josh said that the taxi driver seemed to get confused and had to call a few people to figure out where he should be going and it took over another 30 minutes to get to the next police station. But he finally made it, Josh was very relieved! He walked in and they went to go get his wallet, then he had to fill out a bit of paper work and give them his finger print before he could leave. Why they need the finger print, I have no idea! Everything was in the wallet, all of our cards and all of our money, we were pretty happy about that! So Josh didn't know exactly where he was, so he flagged down a taxi and asked them to take him to the train station. For some reason the taxi driver he flagged down told Josh that he wouldn't take him and Josh had to get out of the car. Josh wasn't sure what to do so he went walking looking for one of the main roads. He said he had to walk about 8-9 blocks before he found another taxi and he told the guy to take him to the train station. The taxi driver had said ok but after driving for 10-15 minutes he got on the phone as well and started to ask people where he was supposed to go. 

The taxi driver ended up taking Josh to a subway station thing instead of the train station after 30 minutes of driving around. Josh said whatever, he would try and figure it out on the subway. After asking a few people for help he was able to get on the right sub and made it to the train station and got a ticket home. Yay! After he arrived back in Yongmun they do not have taxi's waiting at the train station so he had to walk to the taxi station and then after walking to the taxi station he decided that the grocery store wasn't that much further so he walked to that and got snacks because he was rather depressed after his long day, hadn't had anything to eat either, and plus, that is what Josh does when he is depressed:) After that he finally got in a taxi and came home, intact but exhausted! Poor guy!

Monday, May 11, 2009

Oh no... Not Gabriel

Gabriel definitely did not grab his bowl of peaches and sweet potato while  Mommy was feeding him...
and Mommy did not decide to let Gabriel play with his food...
and he would never get it all over his face if he had stuck his hand in his food...
Gabriel did not think it would be fun to do such a thing...
no... not fun at all...
Gabriel did not end up thinking that his fingers tasted good...
and definitely did not get attached to the spoon...
He did not need to get cleaned up...
He would never need a bath after such an ordeal...
Definitely wouldn't have thought a bath would have been fun anyhow...
Gabriel did not look extra cute after his supposed bath...
Mommy would never let Gabriel play naked while she found some clothes for him...
and he did not in the slightest way look sorry for making a mess with his big blue eyes...
never... not my Gabriel...
Why would such a cutie do such a messy thing?
NEVER... definitely not my Gabe!

And mommy would definitely not take off her pants because they were so messy and would never have walked into the living room to get her baby before he made an even bigger mess and to clean him up and would never forget the curtains were open and did not run to say curtains to shut them before anybody could see...  never... not me!

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Update on the wallet

So last night our friend was supposed to stop at the police station to pick up the wallet which he did do, but unlike the police man told Josh on the phone, they would not give it to him. So after we found out about it this morning Josh was able to borrow some money and had to go into Seoul by himself. 

I feel bad for Josh having to go by himself, he doesn't like it very much. He doesn't even like taking a taxi by himself because he says it's weird to get into somebody else's car. So now he has to go to Seoul on his own and that is going to involve a good 3-4 taxi's, a couple of subway rides and two train rides.  He is not back yet so we do not officially have our wallet back yet and we have no idea if everything is still in it. We will see later today.

Other things... I am now sick. I thought after not catching Josh's cold for over a week I wouldn't get it, but it was not to be the case! Josh's cold is still way worse then mine, I just feel like my head is going to explode and I have a soar throat. Gabriel also slept through the night last night! YAY YAY YAY!!!! I love it when my baby sleeps because I get to sleep! Though it doesn't make sense that I get sick only after I have a good night sleep for once and after I also got to take an hour nap yesterday... kind of backwards really. Mother's Day was also yesterday but we didn't really do anything (cough, umm... Josh forgot!). But even though he forgot he tried to make it up to me by making the meals, changing all of Gabriel's diapers and making a origami tulip and box, so we, or I, still had some fun, Josh wasn't so big on the diaper part! 

Saturday, May 9, 2009

A very long, bad, miraculous, adventurous, good and funny day

Today was an interesting day, to say the least. The day started out with us talking to Josh's family via Skype at 9 o'clock this morning. We had fun talking to everybody and catching up on what was going on. We ended the conversation at 10AM so that we could head into Seoul and have a fun day. After ended the conversation we immediately head down to the gate so that they could call us a taxi. The gate keeper told us that the train for Seoul was supposed to leave at 10:27... crap, it was already 10:15 and we didn't even know where the train station was. We went for it anyway, the cab driver took us to the station, which by the way looked nothing like a train station at the point he dropped us off at, and we searched around for the booth to buy tickets. We made it to the platform just in time to hop on the train and go. Yay we made it! Well we didn't know that we had gotten in the wrong car until after the train started moving so we had to make our way from car to car and find our seats while getting bumped around from the moving train.

We finally made it to Seoul and got our first taste of an Asian city train station. It was PACKED! Every seat was filled, people were sitting on the floor and thousands of people walking every which way. We finally found the exit and got a taxi, oh and I got my first taste of Asian squatty potty's. I told the driver to take us to Insadong, I had read about it before we left and it was supposed to be this cool place that you could go to if you ever wanted to "escape" Korea, really just a very touristy place. Unfortunately I had not written down the name before we left so I was just going off of memory, but the cab driver seemed to know what we meant and off we went. It took us 30 minutes in the cab to get there, amazingly costing us under $10 for the entire drive. 

We get there and we are extremely hungry. We thought that the Insadong was supposed to have a lot of places to eat, but we had a very hard time finding one. Finally we decided on a random Korean restaurant that had some of their menu in English. It was pretty good food actually, we haven't had a very good experience with Korean food thus far so we did not have high hopes. They had a little grill at the table where we got to cook our own meat and then had about 6 different mini dishes. We only ate half of the mini dishes because we learned soon after we got to Korea that if there is a red sauce on something it is going to be flamin' hot and you won't have any taste buds left after eating it. 

After we finished eating we went to explore Insadong. Insadong was nothing like what I read on the internet. Yes it was a touristy place, there were quite a few white faces there, but there was no cafes, no English places to eat, no English anything, everything was really arty and they had a lot of cheap souvenirs. Oh well, sometimes things are not what they seem. We had fun looking around anyway, I got these really cute place mats with chop sticks and Josh got a really cool lighter. Now the sad part, I found this amazing purse that I wanted really bad, cutest thing ever, but $75,000 won! I loved it but couldn't see spending that much money on something that I didn't need at this point in time so I passed it up=(

We then go to find a taxi to take us to Costco. Who would have thought that finding a taxi could take soooooo LONG! We ended up stopping at Baskin Robins (we did find one American place!) and having delicious ice cream for an outrageous price, but it was GOOD! Oh and we found The Body Shop here in Korea and stopped to get some beauty products for Josh (aka dandruff shampoo). After walking for, seriously, an hour we found a booth where taxi's line up and you can hop in one and go. Thank God because my feet hurt, it was 85 degrees out and I was hot and tired! Oh yes, and I was irritated at Josh because he wouldn't step out into the road a little to flag down a taxi, hence the hour+ walk!

So, we get into the taxi and tell the cab driver to take us to Costco, he didn't understand us at first but after naming other things in the area he finally got where we were talking about. Thankful for a chance to sit down I started to feed Gabe because he was rather hungry at that point. We didn't know how far Costco was from Insadong, we were surprised to find out it was over a half hour away. In the process of getting there I had passed Gabriel off to Josh and fished out my wallet to get out some money.

While I was fishing out my wallet I thought "hey, lets just put all the money in Josh's wallet because his is way easier to access then mine and we still have a little bit of shopping to do," so I asked Josh for his wallets and put all of the money I had, except change, into Josh's wallet. Josh did not immediately take his wallet back, he said that he was holding Gabriel and it was too much work to lift up his bootie and put it in his pocket (I might have added a few words, but that is what he meant), so I held on to it. When we got close to Costco I took Gabriel so Josh's hands would be free to pay the driver and take out the stroller. In the process of taking Gabriel I swear I gave Josh his wallet back... well when we got out of the car and the cab driver had driven away... you can imagine what is coming next... yep, you probably guessed it... no wallet to be found! Crap CRap CRAP!!!! 

Josh's wallet had everything in it. It had all of our money except about 6,000 won, it had our one and only Korean bank card, and it had all of his American cards too, like credit cards and debit cards... yeah, big huge CRAP! Josh went off running down the road to see if he could see the cab driver but no cab driver to be found. I was about to cry... wait... I was crying and Josh was not a happy camper, we had no idea how to get back to our home over an hour away. We walked over to Costco and sat down for a bit, hoping and praying the cab driver would come back but he never did. I took my wallet and pulled out our credit card to try and get money out of an ATM, but I had no idea what the pin was so after taking a few guesses at what I thought it was and of course being wrong about all of them, my credit card company put a lock on my card because after so many incorrect guesses they think it could be fraud. Crap again! 

We were close to the bus station so we walked over, rather dragging our feet like somebody just sucked the life out of us. I was crying and Josh was just depressed. I try the ATM there again just to be sure the other one wasn't playing a joke on me, but no, still no money. I walk up to the booth hoping and praying to God that they will accept a Visa card for a ticket back home but didn't have high hopes as a lot of places here don't accept American credit cards, but low and behold they actually accepted it! Yay we had a way to get home! We find our bus and have an hour and a half in the hot stinky monster to dwell on our misfortune. We were in deep poo! 

We get home after spending our last 6,000 won on a taxi back to English Village from Yongmun and start to call people to have them put a hold on our cards until we could figure out what to do. Unfortunately we could not call our Korean bank or our bank in America as they are not opened and the Korean card was the one we were most worried about as it had all of our money in it. Crap crap crap! Josh went and talked to some of the people here at the school about what we should do and they said there is really nothing we can do, it is probably lost for good. Can I say crap again? I can? Good. CRAP! We sit on our couch in utter defeat. We had no money left, no way to withdrawal money without our bank card, our banks were not open, we don't speak Korean so calling the cab company turned out to be useless (believe me, we tried) and there was nothing else left to do, how depressing. Oh, and Josh kept mentioning that I should have gotten the purse I really wanted because then I would have at least had a really amazingly cute purse and only around 100,000 won would be lost instead of 175,000 won! Anyway...

THEN... (Praise God for the "Then" moment) we get a knock on our door. What was waiting for us behind the door may you ask? A man from the school telling us that they had just gotten a phone call and the cab driver, amazing man that he is, turned Josh's wallet into the police station and Josh could come pick it up! PRAISE GOD!!!  How did they know where to contact us? No idea! We had no info in the wallet saying where we live here in Korea or who to call, must have been a God thing. Problem then was that we had no money to make it into Seoul to actually go pick up the wallet. So we get another knock on our door from one of the teachers offering to stop by the police station tomorrow and pick up the wallet on the way back from his class, all we had to do was call the police station and let them know. So Josh called and told them (actually got someone that spoke English), so tomorrow night Josh should have his wallet back and hopefully everything is still in it and all will be good. So now we just have to wait and see!

Oh yes, and after Josh finds out he gets his wallet back one of the first things he says is "Good, I want my guitar pics back(that he always has in his wallet". No sir, don't worry about the credit cards or bank cards or firearms permit, don't worry about the cash or the drivers license, nope don't worry about any of those things, worry about the guitar pics.... only my husband!

On a more funny note... so you know how I said that Insadong was nothing like what I read on the internet? Yeah, so I told the cab driver to go to completely the wrong place and really I meant to go to Itaewon and not Insadong.... Josh was rather mad when I realized this fact... I thought it was kind of funny... he didn't... he thought it was pretty awful actually... he was very mad... didn't help that I was uncontrollably laughing at this point because of our bad day... but hey, it makes life adventurous! Josh says that we can't go anywhere else anymore or at least I can't give the directions and I can't touch his wallet... we'll see about that =D

P.S. Lets not forget one last unfortunate detail to add to the day. I also broke the zipper on my favorite pair of pants and I also have no idea when I broke the zipper so for all I know I could have walked around Seoul all day with my fly open and my bright blue undies visible for all to see! 

Friday, May 8, 2009

Bad joke...

I will admit, I like bad jokes. Mostly because I usually don't understand why the good jokes are so good or I plain just don't get them. So today I ran across this on the internet and laughed my bootie off... 
I know I know, dumb joke, but I laughed!

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Had a thought...

So this morning I had a moment where I was thinking about what life was probably like right now back in Minnesota, and then it got me thinking about how things will be like when we come back.

It's hard to imagine what life will be like when we move back to Minnesota. There will be so many things that will be different. Gabriel is going to be the current age of my nephew Tyvan. He's going to be older then my niece, Berlin, is now! He's going to walking around, no more wobbling or unsure steps, nope he will be a 1 year and 7 month old toddler!!!! No more baby =( He will be able to "talk" like only babies, wait, toddlers can talk, he'll be eating big kid food, he'll be HUGE! No more little scooting around the living room, no, he will be an expert crawler and probably not want to crawl because he'll be able to walk! It's sad to think about. I won't have a baby anymore, I'll have a little toddler!

Well... maybe I will have a baby... but we don't know about that yet. I'm sure if I don't have a baby yet I will at least be very pregnant (most likely) when people from home see me again. That is scary too! 

Everything will be sooo different when we come back. I will have another niece or nephew come October. I won't see the little guy or girl until they will be 5-6 months old! If everything goes well with Jessie and Reuben's adoption it is possible I will have another niece or nephew on Josh's side. My nieces and nephews are going to HUGE! They are going to be kids, not three year olds and younger, no more toddlers, some of them will be 4 years old! CRAZY! Oh and ahem, Kristy and Andy will have moved back to Minnesota (wink wink)! 

It's just crazy to think about the future! But now to get back to the present... I have some laundry to do... the never ending pile of laundry (I wonder how many loads of laundry I will do in the next year!)=D 

Baby got a brand new...

hehe! I can't help it, he is so cute in his new little hat! 
We got it at the farmers market last time we went. Check it out...