Last little update on the school. So they had another meeting on Friday and the school told the teachers (keep in mind this is a day after good ol' Brian told us he was going to try and get a us different job) that none of the teachers can transfer to other schools. Since we are government based the government is restricting that. I guess if we wanted to break the contract ourselves and find a different place then we could but we would forfeit all benefits, but we don't really want to do that. Anyway. Since the school is government based the school thought that the government would bail them out and give them money, but apparently the government is not going to do that either. I didn't get all the details but it was something about taking tax cuts or something and not having enough money to bail the school out.
Our three main options right now are all loofy. We can either stay at the school and ride it out and see if Koreans magically are not afraid of EV anymore and re-schedule their programs within the next month or so, if they don't then we have no idea what the future is going to hold... possibly being stuck here with no job or maybe the school would give us a plane ticket (which if they don't have any money at that point I don't know how that would happen). Our other option which we already tried on them and they rejected is to ask the school to send us all home (Josh, me, and Gabe) so we don't have to pay for the ticket. This option would actually be cheaper for the school instead of keeping us here. Since they already said no to that one we're going to try and talk to them again in a few weeks and see if they changed their minds. Our last option is basically apply for jobs back in the States and hope that they either would fly Josh and/or both of us back to the States or would at least pay enough that we could pay back a ticket within a couple of months.
HELP! JESUS : ) : ) : ) : ) : )
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