Wednesday, August 19, 2009

school lies

Did you know that this is my 100th post? Cool beans for me! Anywho...

So today I am a little frustrated. This school can drive me bonkers some days! To give you a little background, I was looking for a job at the school. So about a month ago I went and talked to Brian, the "manager" of English Village and talked about my options. The reason I wanted a job was just to give me a little something to do that I could take Gabriel along with and since living here is so expensive we won't be saving as much (if any it seems) as we thought, so me taking a job would help out tremendously in that department. So anyway, in my conversation with Brian he told me that I would have one of two jobs. The first job was going to be working in the kindergarten with 4 or 5 year olds as a teacher. The second job was going to be a teacher just like Josh and have different kids each week. He couldn't give me an answer at the time because he said that first he needed to talk with the head of scheduling and see if that had their 15 required teachers for the fall, if they didn't then I would be the filler and be put in the 15th position and be a teacher like Josh. If that didn't work then I was supposed to be the teacher in the kindergarten.  Anyway, so Brian said that he would get back to me in a couple of weeks and let me know what they decided but he did tell me that I would be getting one of the two jobs. So I have been waiting for my answer ever since. 

Sooo... today I was talking to another lady who works in the kindergarten and she informs me that a lady from the USA is going to be flying in next week and is going to sign a 1 year contract and will be taking the place in the kindergarten. Then I also find out that we just received a new teacher this last week that filled up the 15th stop for the teacher for the winter/fall! Ugh! So now both of the jobs that I was supposed to have had were given to other people. It's just so frustrating! 

This school has lied to us about a lot of things, especially Brian, but about something that is important like this you would think that they would have a little bit more tact! I guess I should have known when I went to talk to him in the beginning but still, he is supposed to be running this place, you would think he would have a little more common curtsey (am I spelling that right?). I mean heck, if you don't want me as a teacher, then fine, tell me! Don't lie and tell me that I will be hired and then give the jobs to other people and then not have the curtsey (sp?)to come and tell me about it! 

Oh, and since I'm talking about the school... did you know that they are going to be cutting off our hot water for a month? Yep! Sucks to be us sometimes! Oh, and I asked Brian (though I don't know why) if the snakes here were poisonous and he wouldn't even give me a straight answer, just more lies, like he's afraid we'll leave or something if he gives us the wrong answer... FYI dude, be honest and we won't leave, lie and we will! He's also the same guy who has said 'oh yeah, I will help you' and then we sit around for hours sometimes waiting for him and he never shows up! Also, this stupid place keeps turning off my A/C in the middle of the day when it is roasting hot just because they feel like it and sometimes turn on the loud speaker in the middle of my living room and decide to play music for 15 minutes which always happens to be in the middle of Gabe's nap resulting in waking him up! I could go on and on! Josh has way more frustrations then I do because he actually has to work with these people. I can't wait for my vacation to Japan in 3 weeks and I cannot wait for the next 7.5 months to be over with so we can leave this place! Ugh!


Kristina said...

:( boo!

The Stainbrooks said...

unfortunately for Korean it's not bad courtesy to do that. for our housing that they've been promising on the islands... it has been changed 5 time!!!! nothing what they said. maybe he did want you to be a teacher, but if they had other people apply that had a better degree or something, they may have no option but to hire them. which sucks for you, but for them it may be the only way... sorry though I feel bad that your school is so stinky