Monday, August 3, 2009


I love trying to teach Gabriel things. It is so much fun and Gabriel is, of course, so incredibly cute! Gabriel is a true boy all the way. His goal is to seek and destroy everything and anything! It's fun to place things around the apartment for him, like toys lined up, because when he sees them he gets super excited and then will go along wherever you have to toys lined up and throw them up in the air behind him until they are all gone and then find his next thing to demolish! 

I've been trying to get him to say a few more words lately. Sadly, he has absolutely no interest:) I don't mind though! I will say "Gabriel, can you say 'ball'" and Gabriel will look at me forever as I continue to say the word until he gets a big smile on his face, giggles, and then runs away! haha! The closest he ever gets is you might see his lips move just a little bit but it still will result in him running away along the walls and couch after he smiles and giggles at your attempt! 

Gabriel is getting better at walking though! He is letting go of things more and more testing his balance, sometimes he just stands there, not holding on to anything, until he realizes that nothing is supporting him and then he will freak out and desperately grasp the closest thing in his reach! He is also an expert at climbing stairs! He doesn't get the chance very often but when he does he crawls up them so fast I'm amazed! 

Lastly, Gabriel finally crawls! YAY!!!! He still resorts to his belly wiggle quite often but more and more he is finding out that using his hands and knees really is the faster option! I'm happy because I really love the crawling stage, I think it's so cute, and I was afraid that I would miss it. I'm sure it's not going to last very long though, he is ever so close to walking! 


Unknown said...

Boys take longer to talk then girls...he will soon enough though!