Sunday, August 30, 2009

Birthday Bash

Today we had Gabriel's birthday party! 
I can't believe our little Gabriel is going to be 1 years old on Wednesday! 
Just to warn you, there are LOTS of pictures! 
I couldn't help myself, we had so much fun and I wanted to share the pictures with you! 

So, first we found a sign in English and hung it up for all to see...

... and we decorated with balloons EVERYWHERE! 
They were on windows, doors, ceiling, walls... everywhere! 
We got cute plates and napkins...
... and Gabriel was very excited while he waited for his party to begin...
... and he couldn't keep his hands off of the food table! 
I think he thought it was all for him to eat! 
Then our awesome guests showed up and munched on some yummy food and had fun talking...
... and Gabe played with his friends...
... and then he opened presents!
He got this set of Thomas the Train dinner ware and it was his favorite thing! He couldn't keep his hands off of the bowl! He didn't even care about the other gifts, he would just look at them and maybe hold them but always went back to the bowl!

Below is the toy turtle Mommy got him. 
Even when we made it make noise he still wouldn't let go of the bowl! It was super cute!
Time for cake!
Mommy singing happy birthday to the birthday boy!
Starting into the cake...
... thinking this might be fun...
... oh yes, now this is good!
Get in my BELLY!!!
Oh yeah, even in the hair...
... and the ear!
Daddy and Mommy with the birthday boy! 
He wasn't as happy anymore because he ended up getting cake in his eyes:(
The birthday boys hat!
Didn't last long though, he hates having things on his head.
After Mommy attempted to clean him up, we got him ready for a bath.
And then he played with his new toys while all the guests conversed 
around him and ate our own cakes and snacks!  
Then it was on to clean up! Though, during clean up Gabriel decided to get ahold of the chip bowl and dump it's entire contents onto the floor and then proceeded to shove as many chip in his mouth as he could before Mommy could clean them up! It was so funny! 
It was like he knew I was going to clean them so he shoved his face full of them like he was starving or something and then ran away! LOL! 

Happy Birthday Gabriel! 
(almost, you're still a baby for 3 more days!)


Rachel said...

Those cake pictures are HILARIOUS! Wish we could have been there :)

Kristina said...

very cute! Looks like he had a blast with his cake! Wish we could've been there too- so excited to see the one-year-old!

Silvia said...
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Silvia said...
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Silvia said...
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omabear said...

Looks like you guys had alot of fun. Love the pictures of Gabe eating cake. And the wonder on Gabe's face when he's looking to see what's on the table of goodies. Thanks for the pictures : ) : ) : ) : ) : )