Thursday, September 16, 2010

last day of one

The day before Gabriel turned two I was freaking out. I was not ready for my little boy to turn two, he was still my little baby, he was my one year old who seemed like he just had his first birthday. All day I was freaking out about it. I think I gave Gabriel a few dozen extra hugs because I felt like I was saying goodbye to my baby and having to accept toddlerhood the next day. I know, it's really only a day difference and it's silly but if your a mother you probably understand how that one day can make all the difference in the world.

After we tucked Gabriel in bed that night I went and hugged my husband for a long long time. I went on and on about how that was our last night to tuck in our one year old, we would never be able to tuck in one year old Gabriel ever again and we just lost our baby. Yes, I was being dramatic. Yes, I am ok with that. And yes, my husband thought I was silly, he even told me that, he's more logical then I am like that.

Later as we were laying in bed and my husband was trying to fall asleep and I was still going on about losing my baby I decided I needed to capture the last moment my baby was going to be one. So I got up, grabbed my camera and snuck into Gabriel's room. I stood over his crib and knowing fully well that a flash might very well wake him up, I snapped my picture of my sleeping babe. Amazingly, he didn't even flinch, so I took another!

And then I went back to my hubby and made him open up his eyes (he was half asleep after all) and look at my picture and talk more about my overly dramatic emotions about my baby turning one.

Then he told me to be quiet.

I hit him with a pillow.

He sighed.

And then... then I kept talking.

Then he fell asleep and then I took a picture of him too. After all, it was the last night he was going to be a father to a one year old Gabriel.