Wednesday, December 16, 2009

St. Nicks Day

A little over a week ago was St. Nicks Day. It's a special holiday that my family has always celebrated where children put their shoes outside of their door with a letter in it to Santa and then Santa comes along, takes the letter, and leaves candy in the children's shoes. I always had a ton of fun when I was little celebrating St. Nicks Day and I wanted to share that fun with my children.

So the first thing that we had to do was write a letter to Santa.

And then we went downstairs to put the letter in Gabriel's shoe we found out that Santa Claus had already come! He even left candy in Mommy, Daddy and Uncle Christopher's shoes! Though, some how Oma and Opa never get candy in there shoes from Santa... I wonder why?!?!

Gabriel was kinda too cold to be too excited about the candy in his shoe.

He just grabbed his Santa tube of Reeses Pieces and wanted back inside.

Because I never got to put Gabriel's 'other Santa stuff' in his shoe that I had secretly worked out with Santa (wink), we came back inside and I gave him his Christmas ornament.

He was pretty excited about his Winnie the Pooh bulb!

Then we gave him a taste of his yummy Christmas candy!

And that was our St. Nick's evening! Gabriel has played with Santa Claus tube of yummys ever since!


The Stainbrooks said...

as kids we celebrated St. Nicholas' Day as well!!! I loved getting candy in my shoes :)