Friday, August 21, 2009


Have you ever wondered if animals go to heaven? I've wondered many many times. I know, it's kind of childish, I admit, but still... I still wonder! I'm pretty sure the evil ones, like snakes, mosquitos, crickets, ticks... you know the creepy crawly ones, yeah, I'm pretty sure those ones go to hell... as for the pretty ones, well I wonder if they go to heaven... hmmm....


omabear said...

Well, the bible says that God's creation waits eagerly for His return. Does that mean animals too! Well' I'll guess we'll have to wait and see. I agree with you Kayla, the creepy, crawly ones go to hell...especially the annoying ones......But I believe BUTTERFlIES are in HEAVEN. : ) : ) : ) : ) : )