Today Gabriel took his very first independent steps and started walking! YAY!!!! We were so excited and had a big commotion when it happened! Gabriel had been very daring all day long, so when Josh came home I said lets try this walking thing again. So I held onto Gabriel until his got his balance and off he walked over to where Josh was! It was so cute!
I knew this day was close. Gabriel has been wanting to walk for awhile. He would push off of things and see how long he could stand without holding on to anything. He also has been looking at things that he wants that are out of his reach and you could tell that he was just contemplating how to get there! So now he's walking!
Unfortunately we didn't get it on camera and Gabriel was too crabby to do it too many times (he's teething AGAIN)! But we're working on it, we're going to try again before bedtime!
Yah! Time to keep mama moving, no stopping now. Enjoy every day, before you know it, Gabe will be 2 then around 2 1/2 they start loosing the baby look and become little adults, at least that's what they think : ) : ) : ) : ) : )
Yay! I love when babies start walking, its so cute to see such a little person waddle around :)
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