Though Gabriel cannot crawl quite yet he is very good at getting around. We used to be able to leave Gabriel on his play mat, go to the bathroom and come back and he would still be on the play mat. That is not the case anymore. Now if you leave him in the living room and go to the bathroom or wherever, he will come and find you. You just have to wait about a minute until you see him coming for you like a little worm... knees up and push... take arms out from under you, reach forward, knees up and push... he seriously looks like a worm.
What makes his worm movement even more cute is the look on his face.
Gabriel gets so concentrated that he sucks in his upper lip until he gets where he's going, many times the sucking in the lip is also accompanied by the tongue sticking out.
So that is my little bug, Mr. Worm!
Oh boy he's mobile! :)
These pictures are adorable. I especially love the first one in the green shirt- too cute!
Gosh, he is getting so big!! What a cutie!! :) That's awesome that he figured out how to get around. My kids never did that, they would just get mad until they learned how to crawl...
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