Wednesday, May 20, 2009


Last night Josh came home and said that he needed to wash his water bottle because it was starting to smell and taste funny (gross, I know). So he placed his water bottle on the counter so I could wash it. I was busy making dinner so I didn't get to it right away and Josh went to feed Gabriel some sweet potato and peaches. During dinner I had a few seconds while I was waiting for the rice to cook so I figured I would wash the bottle. Our hot water doesn't come in super fast, sometimes you have to wait 4 min or so for it to get warm, so I thought I would make some since the only way to get out the smell was with hot water and soap. 

They have these nifty teapot heaters here that can boil water in about 60 seconds so I thought I would save some time (and water) if I just heated it up that way. So after the water was nice and hot I put some soap in the water bottle and poured in the hot water... now last week Josh and I talked about boiling Gabriel's new sippy cup that we got him as it instructed to sanitize it and I had asked Josh "won't it melt the plastic?" and he had said "no, you need it a lot hotter to melt that plastic" so I didn't think twice about pouring boiling water in Josh's water bottle. Well needless to say, this was, ah... well a different kind of plastic....


Unknown said...

Big bummer! :) Heehee, but kinda funny!!

Kristina said...

Hmmm- I've had plastic start to wilt on me on some things when I rinse them out to be recycled- but always more delicate things like detergent bottles etc. You'd think they'd make something you drink from more durable... imagine if it got left in the sun too long?

If Josh is a big water bottle fan and he always carries one aroun, you should look into getting a Sigg bottle. They're kinda spendy for a water bottle- but they're eco-friendly, resistant to acids and such (which means you won't taste remnants of what you had in them last--like orange juice) and they don't have that yucky plastic taste. They're super durable- and you can put hot or cold things in them. They usually have really good deals on ebay if you don't care too much about the design on them!