Monday, April 20, 2009

To do or not to do.... I need advice!

Decisions decisions... I don't know what to do! I had this thought last night that I should go back to school. Well, technically I wouldn't be "going" anywhere, but sitting right here getting my degree online. But I don't know if I should. Josh supports me 100%. He has always wanted me to go back to school and he thinks that I would really enjoy it. I just have some things to consider. 

Cons: It would cost money. Money sucks, it stops you from doing so many things that you want to do, like possibly going back to school. Anyway. I don't know if I want to want to put us a little bit in debt for a degree that I'm not even sure if I will ever use. Also, I know I have a lot of time right now to do it, but I also know it will take more then just this year to complete the degree and I don't know what my life will be like in a year from now. I might have another kid, I don't know where I will be living, what I will be doing and I don't know what it will be like to have a one and a half year old running around... I just don't know. I also can't decide which degree I would go for... History, Art History, or English? I'm thinking English cause what would an art or art history degree ever do for me? But then again I love history.... oh but I love English! Err! Which one? 

Ok, Pro's: I would have a sense of accomplishment. I would have a Bachelors degree. I would know more about things that I love. I wouldn't feel like such an idiot when I'm in a room full of people and their all talking about their accomplishments cause I would have one too (lol, I feel like that a lot!). If I ever did need to get another job I could get one that I liked and it would be better then processing insurance claims like I used to do. If I don't do it now I probably never will. My brain would grow bigger and I would live longer (haha =D). I would have something to do this next year while I'm in the English Village compound and 30 min away from town. I wouldn't be as bored. I would get to write! I love writing...

But oh I just don't know what to do. It's a big step, kinda scary! I need advice!


Unknown said...

Hm...if you ever plan on working again you should definitely get a degree. Otherwise you will probably be stuck processing claims or working at Target or something. Yes, it costs money, but online schools cost pennies compared to actually going to a university. Plus, it's fun to learn, you don't have much to do over the next year, and even if you don't finish in the next year you will be that much closer and likely to finish in the future.

Krista Barber said...

I would go for it! The nice thing about school is that you can always plug away at it. Go full time online until you feel overwhelmed, or just go part time. With online programs, you can usually find time to get the work done.

Kristina said...

I have been contemplating this same thing for myself- and have recently decided to take some courses- yes, I probably won't earn a degree, but I just want to further my knowledge in something that interests me- plus I feel like I'm starting to get dumb. So I would say go for it!