Tuesday, April 14, 2009

First Day of Teaching

Yesterday was Josh's first day of teaching class. He was very nervous about it as he has never taught before. I was very nervous about it as well because I really want Josh to like his job and enjoy this next year instead of suffering through it hating his job.  He came home for lunch yesterday and I could tell he was very tense. I asked Josh how things were going and he said good. He mentioned that he hadn't taught anything yet but right after lunch was going to be his first class. I gave some words of encouragement and told him I was very proud of him for doing this. But I know that encouragement doesn't always work for my husband, he just needs to go out and try it before he will feel better about it. 

I walked Josh to his first class with Gabriel in my arms, we gave him a hug and a kiss goodbye and I told him to have fun and enjoy himself. The rest of the afternoon I waited in the apartment and wondered how he was doing. He finally came home around 5:00 and I met him at the door as usual to give him a hug and a kiss... he actually had a small 'Josh' smile on his face!!! I asked him how it went hopeful that the smile on his face was a good one and not one of those 'I'm smiling because I feel like a dork' smiles. He said that it went well and it was actually kind of fun!!! Hallelujah!!! 

See, you need to know a little bit about my husband. Josh is a super quiet guy. He hates public speaking and being up in front of a group of people, unless he's playing music of course. He doesn't even like asking someone in the grocery to please move because they are blocking the entire aisle and he can't get through... he would rather just wait ten minutes for them to decide what they want instead of saying excuse me. So for him to say that teaching a few classes in a row to about 20+ kids in each class is fun is like... well it's a miracle. 

I was so happy for him that I gave him another hug. I didn't realize how tense I was all afternoon about the whole thing until that moment... I could actually relax now! Now today Josh has said that it is going even better and it's getting more fun the more he gets comfortable with it.

I am so proud of my husband for stepping out and taking this challenge. Teaching is completely out of Josh's element, I'm so glad he is enjoying it!


Kristina said...

Yay! I'm glad he likes it. :) It's get to step outside of your box like that, I'm sure he'll learn so much through this experience!