1. The lady in the apartment downstairs gave us a little visit yesterday. She asked us to make our two year old stop running around because apparently it drives her crazy. She threatened that if he didn't stop that she would go to our landlord. Thing is that our landlord said when we moved in that 'families have priority' as in, if people complain about kids making too much noise he's not going to do much about it because you can't ask a kid to stop playing. So if she does go to the landlord it's not going to do much. Secondly, though I may feel bad that she is going crazy, I don't think I'm going to scar my child by yelling at him every time he runs, because lets face it, he doesn't know how to just walk, it's always running as is the case with any two year old so I would be yelling at him all day long.
2. Josh is still looking for a Mechanical Engineer job. It's very frustrating for him to apply to hundreds of places and never hear anything back. Mechanical Engineer jobs are still very scarce and people aren't too big on hiring a guy whose been out of school for almost 2 years already. We're hoping things turn around soon. Working at a computer doing claims is not my husbands ideal job, it doesn't challenge him or anything and he needs a challenge.
3. Gabriel has changed a lot within the past week. And I wouldn't exactly say it's for the good. He all the sudden wants to test me on absolutely everything! If I say no he immediately turns around and does what I told him not too and/or does something very similar to see if he can get away with that instead. He also all the sudden started hitting. Just walking up and hitting for no good reason. He also started throwing everything, just to throw it. I by no means let him get away with any of this, I feel like if I just let him get away with it then it's going to take longer to stop and that I'm giving the control of the situation over to him. So there are always consequences to being naughty and not listening but he doesn't seem to care too much at the moment. So I am learning how to deal with this whole new level of child rearing. Maybe this is what everybody calls the terrible two's....
4. Mr. Easy (aka Eli) is not being so easy lately. Though, I can't complain, he's still an angel. He's just been having some tummy issues lately and being a little more clingy. But I don't really mind the clinginess, before he just preferred to lay all by himself and would get mad if he was held too long, now I actually get to cuddle more and hold him almost as much as I want which is a nice change. Well, nice to a point, I like that I get to hold him but I don't like that I think it's because he's got tummy issues. It's a win/loose situation.
5. I've joined a Mom's Group on Tuesday morning which has turned out to be really fun. It's not like we go out and do things but we just get together and do a bible study type of deal but it gives me a chance to get out of the apartment and talk with someone else rather then my two year old.
6. Moms. Do you ever feel like you are loosing your talking capabilities because you talk kid/baby talk all do long? I sometimes feel like I don't know how to speak plain English anymore because I talk 2 year old talk all do long. I mean, what do you call a 'Boom' now days? Oh, what's that, it's just falling down/ getting hurt/ tripping on something? Would have never guessed! My vocabulary also consists of mankie, humpty humpty, baa baa sheep, shakka milk, and repeating 'hi!!!' over and over again. God help me if I ever need to sound intelligent again, I don't know if I would pass!
7. Eli is a big boy! Goodness me! He is one long baby! He's not chubby, he's just long. I even put him in some 6-12 clothes the other day and it wasn't even that big on him! He's already getting a little big for some of his 3-6 month clothes and he just turned 4 months!
That's all for now!
This Saturday’s Recipes by The Pioneer Woman
4 years ago
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