Before Elizek was born I bought gDiapers for my kids. I tried them out on Gabriel and loved them! I took a break from cloth diapering after Elizek was born because I didn't need the extra work that cloth diapering involves, now I have started up again with both kids.
Now, of course cloth diapering is a little harder. It's not like you can just take the diapers and throw them in the trash after changing the kids. There is washing them after the change, then the extra laundry, the line drying liners and the actual diaper change itself takes a little longer. All in all it's still worth it. I like the fact that I'm saving money and there are a few hundred less diapers in the landfills. I still use disposables at night because Gabriel will get a rash if I don't and Eli still needs to be changed in the middle of the night and I don't want to have to wash diaper out when I'm half asleep but during the day I use cloth.
Things have been going well. I sometimes feel like a worker on an assembly line with poopy pants coming my way constantly but I felt like that with disposables too. I think I feel more that way now just because I try to change both of them at the same time so I can wash two dirty diapers at once instead at two different times.
I think my kids look adorable in cloth diapers. They are so stinkin' cute! I mean, you could put a plain ol' boring disposable on your babies bottom OR you could put on a cute cloth diaper :) Ok, so I'm a little bias but still, look at Eli in my favorite color...
So happy about cloth!
I have a few fun colors of gDiapers. Red ones, bright blue ones, brown, vanilla, dark blue ones, black and a light blue pattern one. I think their fun and worth all the extra effort!
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