Monday, September 14, 2009

Trip to Japan: Day 3

The day after we arrived in Japan, Wednesday, we headed to a place called Onjuku. It is a small town on the edge of the Pacific Ocean.

We wanted to head there within the first couple of days because there was a tropical storm right off the coast of Japan and there was supposed to be some big waves coming in because of it. I also wanted to just see the ocean once and for all. No Sea of Japan, no Mediterranean Sea, no Lake Superior (ok, that one is not comparable), but just THE ocean and I finally did so I had to get a picture of it!
We had to take the train of course...
...and we found out that some of the trains in Japan are really nasty and super old and really just not comfortable. You can kind of see it in this picture of my men!
And then we walked around and tried to find a place to eat. We were really surprised to find out that considering this was supposed to be a tourist town, there were hardly any restaurants so we ended up going to this place... ended up being the best decision EVER! Oh. My. Gosh. They had amazing food! Oh my! Honestly, when you haven't had really any good food for almost 6 months and then you have something like gravy and meatloaf and green beans... oh so good! I almost cried it was so good... or not, but whatever, you get the point!

Then we headed down to the beach!
We found this camel statue thing that was pretty cool and it was right along the beach. I don't know what was up with this town but they had a ton of camels everywhere... we thought it was a little odd. Gabriel was very tired and didn't feel like looking at the camera though...
...but we got him to look at me once...
...and by the time he got to Daddy it was pretty well time to fall asleep...
So underneath this bridge that heads to the beach, do you notice all the little dots in the water?
Well all those little dots are these honkin' fish!
The little canal they are swimming in came right from the ocean and the fish would come up to the top of the water near where you would stand over the bridge and wait to be fed. Unfortunately we didn't have any food to give them:(

So then we spent a little bit of time at the beach, we found some very unique sea shells and Gabriel finally fell asleep.
Then we walked back to the train station and hopped on the train. These pictures are from by the train station. I wasn't kidding when I said the town was small and it was very out there, this was the scenery for most the the train ride. 
We had a ton of fun and we were super glad that we took the long train ride all the way out there! 


Anonymous said...

Thanks for the pictures. Who is that hot looking young lady standing by the ocean, she looks like someone I might of met. : )
Oh my gosh! What happened to Gabe's face? !@#*@!
Love you guys : ) : ) : ) : ) : )

Kristina said...

You finally got to go to the ocean! You weren't joking about Gabe's bruises... they do look pretty gruesome :(